Messages sent by some of our  primary school students .

 Letter and messages created by hundreds of students which were sent to the Ucraine's Embassy in Lisbon. 


Professores de Inglês

Escola Básica Júlio Dinis,

Avenida 25 de Abril, 183,

4420-355 Gondomar, Portugal

Embaixada da Ucrânia
Avenida das Descobertas, nº18

Restelo 1400-092, Lisboa - Portugal 

Dear Mr Volodymyr Kozlov,

Ukraine Ambassador,

Gondomar, 20th February, 2023

We are a large group of Portuguese students from Escola Básica Júlio Dinis, Gondomar, near Porto. We are 10 to 15 years old and we are all students of English. We would like to send you and your People positive energy, and also to express our solidarity with the bad moment you are all going through.

We wish this war ends as soon as possible and your country recovers its full integrity.

We would like you to send our messages, which you may find attached, to young Ukrainian people in your country!

Cлава Україні!!! Glory to the Ukraine!!!

Some Students:

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Some pictures:



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